Agilent Technologies

First-to-Market: Agilent's 40/50/67 GHz SPDT and Bypass Switches

Maximize test efficiency with exceptional reliability and repeatability

Agilent's 40/50/67 GHz SPDT and Bypass Switches

Agilent's N1810/1/2 series of SPDT and bypass switches deliver the only electromechanical switches up to 67 GHz in the market today. This equipment is an ideal microwave switching solution for radar and satellite testing, wireless-HDMI and microwave backhaul radio applications. Key Features:

       - Exceptional 0.03 dB at 40 GHz, 0.05 dB at 50 GHz and 0.08 dB at 67 GHz
         insertion loss repeatability ensures accuracy and reduces calibration intervals

       - Long operating life of 5 million cycles guaranteed, 10 million cycles typical
         reduce cost of ownership

       - Excellent isolation of > 120 dB at 4 GHz and > 70 dB at 67 GHz maximizes
         measurement accuracy and improves system dynamic

       - Low insertion loss of < 0.27 dB at 4 GHz and < 1.12 dB at 67 GHz

       - Low SWR of < 1.10 at 4 GHz < 1.9 0at 67 GHz


Learn more about Agilent and Agilent N1810/1/2 series switches, and experience its performance and reliability. Browse the tabs for more information: